27-27 Nov 2020 Lille (France)

20th edition : digital and deferred

The JAV is going digital, new provision in the procedure with deferred recorded communication available on moodle.

André Verbert day

As part of the Doctoral training, is organized the annual congress of Biology and Health PhD students from Lille.

During this day, PhD students, in the beginning third year of thesis, had to present their works by talks, flash-talks or posters, in english.

Type of Presentation

In addition to your written proposal: a recorded video of 5 minures presentation in english

In addition to your written proposal: a recorded video of 5 minures presentation in english

All written proposal (in english, 3000 car. max) are included in the proceedings. If your thesis work include confidential material, you should write a concise abstract without elements of confidential nature.


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Who's André Verbert?

André Verbert (1942-2000) par Jean MONTREUIL (Copyright © 2003 . Published by Elsevier, Paris)

Jean Montreuil (1920-2010)


Responsable de l'animation scienfifique :

Malika Hamdane

Comité d'organisation :


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